BSC Specializes In Helping Gay Men To Become Parents With Surrogacy

BSC-America helped our first gay couple become parents in 1999 known as the most famous ‘Gay Dads’ in the UK, when most agencies around the world would not even consider working with a gay couple. From the period 1999 – 2012, the team at BSC have helped countless gay couples and single gay men become parents through egg donation and surrogacy. BSC America believes that the right to become a parent is the same for all couples, regardless of sexual orientation.
It has been estimated that the number of children nationwide living with at least one gay parent ranges from 6 to 14 million. The American Academy of Pediatrics released a statement that says there are more similarities than differences in the way homosexuals and heterosexuals raise their children, and that children are just as well adjusted in families of gay parents as they are when brought up in heterosexual families. The goal of BSC is to give the opportunity of becoming parents to all couples and singles regardless of their sexuality, race, age or religious preferences.

We Are Here For You All The Way
Society as a whole is still unfamiliar, and therefore uncomfortable, with Gay Parenting and the issues that go along with it. At BSC we will help you deal with the concerns that you might have regarding the future, and will guide you through the entire process of surrogacy, egg donation and the legal issues. Our personal experience with gay parenting makes us uniquely qualified to offer on-going support to all our families on a personal basis for many years to come.
Surrogacy and Fertility Services For Gay Men
We are also extremely pleased with our results working with HIV+ surrogacy. We are happy to announce that the BSC has been working with the HIV+ community for several years and has built links with clinics to ensure HIV+ men may now have a biological child of their own, without transferring the HIV virus to either the child or surrogate mother. This service is open to both the gay and heterosexual community.
You will be provided with support throughout the pregnancy and on-going for as long as you need it. Our highly qualified team will help advise with issues you face once you are at home with your baby should you require it. We will provide any written reports on your surrogacy arrangement that you might need at a later date for parental orders. Every Intended Parent is special and unique, and we will treat you with the respect that you deserve.
From the moment you start working with BSC America, you will be assigned an individual team specialist. He or she will meet with you at your home to take you through the initial paperwork. At this time, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have thought of since your first meeting. You will also be asked to write a statement which will be provided to potential egg donors and/or surrogates, to assist in the process of matching them with you.
You will also be asked for some photos to show to the surrogate and/or egg donors should they request this prior to making a decisions.
The BSC specialist will ask you some personal questions about your living arrangements so that this information can be included in your file and shared with your surrogate or egg donor if need be. All of this information will then be formulated into a professionally written synopsis, and can be used should you need a copy at a later date for your parental order or any other potential court visits.
Your personal BSC team specialist is always there for you. They will help get you through the process and make sure that any issues you face during your pregnancy will be worked out in a seamless manner. Your team specialist will also be assigned to your surrogate and will act as mediator and project manager throughout the process.