Surrogacy UK
Surrogacy in the United Kingdom is legal and has a legal framework, which if adhered to ensures that you both have full parental responsibility and appear on the child’s birth certificate as parents. You will be guided through this easy to navigate process by us at the BSC. Your assigned social worker will ensure that everything is explained to you in a way you understand, that progression is at a pace you feel comfortable with, that you are prepared for the child’s arrival once your surrogate is pregnant and that you can cope once the child is passed into your care.
We pride ourselves on our inclusive attitude and encourage anyone, from any walk of life to come and talk with us to discuss their needs. However, our main concern will always be the welfare of the potential child rather than the potential parent: this is why we feel it is our duty to make sure everybody wishing to use our services at the BSC has had a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) check.
International Surrogacy
There is no doubt that foreign arrangements are attractive, hundreds of couples every year travel to America and other International destinations in search of a surrogate or egg donor.
The laws abroad are often very encouraging, especially in USA where many states have considerably more legal provisions than in the United Kingdom.
The BSC team have many years of experience to share when considering surrogacy in the USA as our Head of Social Work, Barrie Drewitt-Barlow has 5 children born through surrogates in the USA. There has never been a case where a UK court has refused entry to a child or children born outside the UK through a surrogacy arrangement.
The application for parental orders is straightforward and one of our social workers will complete the application with you and submit it in the correct manner. Our social workers will also help you through the paperwork for your child’s application for UK citizenship.
Find A Surrogate
This form is for intended parents who are looking for information on how to start their family. Once sent it goes directly to one of our experts who will contact you with all the information and advice you need to get started.
You can also try using our live chat for instant answers. Click the banner at the bottom of the site to start.